Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good-bye 2011

Today is it and 2011 will be all but a memory!  Years seem to go by faster and faster lately.  That being said, it is the time to make plans for the upcoming years.  Notice I said YEARS...with an S.  Meaning I want to work on something in the years to come.

I've been seeing lists lately.  100 things to do before you die, 100 must read books, top 10 of this and that.  I was curious about the book lists, so I printed off quite a few of them last night.  I decided to make a list of 100 must read books for myself.  First I pulled titles off of the lists I found last night, from various sources I will add (amazon, Oprah, random sites etc)!  Then, I added some books that are sitting on my bookshelf mocking me and collecting dust!  Of course, to make the challenge a little less daunting, I included books from those lists that I have already read. There are also quite a few books on this list that I started, but I never finished.  Now that I have a purpose, I hopefully will get through them!

Now, before I include my list, I must say that I am not overly excited to read every single one of the books listed.  BUT, I also have to say, I didn't enjoy every one of the books I've read already.  I will admit to the fact that all of the books made me think, sometimes in ways I didn't want to.  Sometimes it's good to do things you don't like or want to do, right?  Makes you grow?  At least that's what I'm going to tell myself!

So, here goes, the list of 100 books to read! (I will highlight the ones I have already had the PLEASURE of reading!)
1.  To Kill A Mockingbird
2.  The Book Thief
3.  DaVinci Code
4.  Jane Eyre
5.  A Child Called It
6.  A Catcher in the Rye
7.  My Sister's Keeper
8.  Twilight Series (I know...but it really was on a list made by others first!)
9.  The Great Gatsby
10. The Lovely Bones
11. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
12.  A Time to Kill
13. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
14. Great Expectations
15. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
16.  A Separate Peace
17. Blubber
18.  Lord of the Flies
19. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
20.  Charlotte's Web
21.  Bridget Jones' Diary
22.  The Notebook
23.  Phantom Tollbooth
24.  11/22/63
25. 1984
26.  Gone with the Wind
27. Power of One
28. The Kite Runner
29. Anne of Green Gables
30.  Catch-22
31.  Eat, Pray, Love
32. Life of Pi
33. Fortunate Life
34. Alice in Wonderland
35. Angela's Ashes
36. One Hundred Years of Solitude
37.  Eragon
38.  Little Women
39.  Animal Farm
40.  A Clockwork Orange
41. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
42.  Lion Called Christian
43.  Marley and Me
44. American Gods
45. The Godfather
46. Interview With the Vampire
47.  Stand
48. American Psycho
49. PS I Love You
50. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
51. The World According to Garp
52. The Movie-Goer
53. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
54. Love in the Time of Cholera
55. Treasure Island
56. The Book of Lists
57. James and the Giant Peach
58. The Shining
59. The Lady in the Lake
60. To the Lighthouse
61.  Beloved
62. Excellent Women
63. And Then There Were None
64. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
65. Diary of Anne Frank
66. A Small Hotel
67. The Sixes
68. Untold Story
69. The Year We Left Home
70. The Borrower
71. Stiltsville
72.  The Tiger's Wife
73. Hunger Games
74. The Leftovers
75. Ten Thousand Saints
76. Rules of Civility
77. Ed King
78. The Marriage Plot
79. Swim Back to Me
80. Tuck Everlasting
81. Silver Sparrow
82. State of Wonder
83. Prince of Tides
84. Night
85. Anna Karenina
86. House of Sand and Fog
87. Where the Heart Is
88. What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day
89. A Virtuous Woman
90. Here on Earth
91. Where the God of Love Hangs Out
92. The Invisible Bridge
93. Little Bee
94. Blame
95. So You're One of Them
96. Number the Stars
97. Bridge to Terabithia
98. Last Night I Sang to the Monster
99.  The Outsiders
100. Fahrenheit 451
101: Mayflower

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


CONSIDER: to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on 

Inspiration is everywhere.  Yesterday we were driving down the highway, and the car's license plate next to us said CONSIDER.  What a cool word to post on your much better than the random letters/numbers we have on ours!

CONSIDER...What does that bring to mind for you?

For me it can go many ways.  The first thing I thought of was exercise.  Consider something new this next year.  What do I want to do that I have not done before?  Let's see...I would CONSIDER a full marathon.  I have done two halves and signed up for two more already in 2012.  Why not just double that?  I'm NOT to the point of signing up for one, but considering it-yes.  Another opportunity: A duathalon. I have taken part in a triathalon as a member of a three person relay team.  Why not try one on my own?  And, it's for a great cause to boot!  Third, I'd like to consider putting some trail runs into my training routine.  If only I can guarantee an injury won't result!  I am not the most graceful swan in the pond!

Another way my brain took me when I saw CONSIDER was to reach out and try new hobbies or just to spend more time growing in the ones I already enjoy.  Consider spending a day each month with my camera in tow, taking pictures of things that inspire me.  Consider signing up for a painting class.  Consider reading a book that I wouldn't normally choose.  Consider getting back to trying to write my book...

One final thought.  Consider what I can do to be a better person.  A happier person.  A thoughtless person.  Could be I need to volunteer somewhere each month with D...give back to the community I am blessed to be a part of.  Or, go back to school and study something I've been interested in tackling for years-Art Therapy.  Spend more time at home with family where we can really enjoy each other's company.  Try a new recipe once a week.  Go to church more often.  I could really go on and on here!

So, let me leave you with this thought.  As 2012 begins, what things will you CONSIDER?  Write them down to remind you of your hopes and dreams.  Then, take a step to doing one thing on your list! 


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rainy Day Wednesday

"We must plan.  But we also must be able to let go of the plan." Laurence Gonzales Deep Survival

I woke up this morning ready to go on a great run.  Yesterday I was able to accomplish a goal of mine...running 3 miles in under 30 minutes, so I was geared up to make a go at it again.  BUT, the weather was not cooperating with me.  RAIN.

Don't you hate it when you plan something, and then something else, out of your control goes and ruins it?  I guess this is why I have learned to write my plans on my calendar in I can erase them if I don't get to them.

I am a list maker.  I love lists.  It feels so good to cross off what I have accomplished.  My calendar has become a journal of sorts for me.  I keep track of workouts that I PLAN to do, circle them when I do them, and erase them when I have to let go of my plan.

Today I erased my 3 mile plan-due to the rain.  I laid around moping and trying to decide what I wanted to do.  The first thing I decided to do was eat a donut...not a good plan.  Then, I ate a handful of chocolate covered blueberries...again, not so good.  (See these plans don't make it into my calendar.  I only want to remember the good plans!)  Finally, I decided I just needed to do it.  Put in the stupid DVD and do it.  So, Shawn T came and kicked my butt out of my funk.  And, then, before my shower, I wrote down my workout in my calendar and circled it. 

There.  Good plan. DONE.

Tomorrow, the plan is to get up and go to a 5:15 class.  Thinking about this plan I decide I should write that one in ink so I can't erase it...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Prepare For the Week Ahead Sunday

My easy meal for the week is in the crock pot!  A yummy, cheap, good for you dinner! This is a Weight Watcher recipe with some minor changes made by me.  The main difference is the original uses ground beef instead of chicken.

Taco Soup
rotisserie chicken-shred the chicken off the bone
packet of ranch dip (dry)
packet of taco seasoning (I used reduced sodium)
1 can of white beans (drained and rinsed)
1 can of corn
1 can of green chilis
1 can of diced tomatoes
2 cans of water (I ended up adding a little more)
diced onion
Throw all the above good stuff into a crock pot and let cook during the day!  It is filled with flavor!!!  I add tortilla chips and some shredded cheese when serving.  You could even top with a little sour cream if you want.

Soups on!  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's about time Saturday

Inspirational Quote:
"They were on the 'I can dream of that' list.  I had no idea yet that to do the things I want, or even dreamed of, was only the matter of courage, the courage to believe in myself."  Run Like a Girl

Today while running with some good friends, we were discussing the fact that less than a year ago we were walking up the hill we RAN up today.  Remembering a little over a year ago, running was not in my vocabulary, unless there was a big ole prize at the end of it for me. 

This past year I began believing in myself.  I ran in several 5K races, a 10K, and two half marathons.  I took part in two triathalons, splitting the events with two riding my bike.  When people ask me what I want for Christmas, I think Dick's Sports, Try Sports, Athela, instead of restaurants or Target. When I think of going on a trip with my family, I wonder what race I could run while we are there. I hear music on the radio and think, "Wow, that would make a great running song."  I get my butt out of bed at 5 in the morning in 30 degree weather and go outside to run.  Not sure I am the same me I was a little less than a year ago.  Is that good?  Heck yeah.

A year ago, I never would have believed that 2011 would be the year I started doing things that would build up my confidence in ME.  There was a time where I said there was NO WAY I could ever do a half marathon...I believe I even said that in 2011.  Um, what?  I think I've done TWO! 

You know, I still run for a prize at the end.  Just now the prize is happiness, confidence, health, and smaller jeans!

When are you going to start believing in YOU?

Monday, December 5, 2011

What's on the Menu Monday

My menu creation for tonight was not only cheap, but pretty tasty :)
1 packet ramen
shredded cheese
any raw veggies
Boca spicy chicken

Mix and eat!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Songs for Strength Saturday

There are two things about running that are not my favorites...hills and speedwork.  Today I was supposed to do hill repeats, but my bed was so toasty that I unmotivated myself.  When I finally drug my bootie from bed, I got dressed, and headed out for an easy 3 mile run.  I've not done much of anything this week due to a cold and a good friend telling me to rest!  I knew whatever I did today would be tough!

About halfway into my "easy" run today, one of my favorite songs came on.  It has an awesome, motivating beat and really pushes me.  It has no words but a beat that comes in increasing intervals, so it is perfect for working on speed in running or cycling.  (I first heard it in spin class).

My easy run turned into speed training.  It was awesome, even though I thought I was going to die!  My lungs were about to burst, but the push from the music really helped my feet and arms to pump faster. 

Sandstorm is my speedwork song of the week.  My advice?  Find something that motivates you to push it, even if it is only for 2 minute bursts and do it!  Find a song that pushes you...and share it!  Go out and Just Do It!  (Thanks Nike!)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Finally Friday Fun Fact

Diet Coke was only invented in 1982.

It's a good thing for me that I was born in the 70's.  I didn't realize life without Diet Coke!  Where would I be today without my DC?  :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thinking Back Thursday

Sometimes I feel like I live in the past.  Like I don't want to accept the reality of my present age, my responsibilities, or leave the past behind.  Maybe it's because life was easier before I had to work, pay bills, and make important decisions.  Maybe it's because I miss my friends from Naperville and Florida Southern.  Maybe it's because my family was so much closer together then.  I guess it's really all those things.

This summer I got to show Dakota my hometown and a city I love.  She got to experience the beauty of downtown Naperville...the special things it has to offer that you don't realize while you are growing up there.  I got to share some of the best places in Chicago, views from the Sears Tower, the ocean life at Shedd Aquarium, the pizza and hotdogs.  I even got to spend some time with my brother, Jamie, and some high school friends, Tami and Sara.  There were some things D couldn't "see".  She didn't get to experience hanging out at night in the southside of Chicago with "the boys", a Cubs game on senior ditch day, the schools where my education began,  cruising past the houses of the boys I liked, or hanging out in the basements with my closest friends doing nothing but laughing.  I guess she will have memories like those some day...just memories made in a different place.

The first time I moved, it was to college.  It seemed like a million miles away from my home in IL.  Florida Southern was smaller than my high school and had more rules than my parents did.  If it wasn't for my friends I made there, I would have left.  Luckily, I had great people in my freshman dorm, and I joined Kappa Delta and over night had so many sisters.  Walks around Lake Hollingsworth, sneaking some jewels from Annie Pfeiffer, trips to layout at Disney hotels, sitting in the lobby watching TV, learning to appreciate and love people who I may not have gotten to know if it weren't for KD.  All these memories, and so many more...

Then I moved on to life after college.  Moving in with Jen in our first adult housing, getting a job where I hated every minute of my first year teaching, meeting Ron and feeling like I was finally whole.  Getting married, moving to North Carolina, and growing up.  Looking back and appreciating the first year I taught because I grew up quickly and learned strategies to reach kids without any family support, few resources, and a fairly unsupportive administration.  Now, luckily, I can say I work with many talented teachers, kids who care, and parents who support their children.  On rough days I sit and thank my lucky stars I got to move on in my teaching career. 

At night when I choose to watch TV, I end up watching things like 90210, Felicity, Friends...Last night I was watching Stand by Me.  I cried at the end when he said, "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"  While this is somewhat true, I am so lucky to have some awesome friends and wonderful family that I gained later in life.  Friends and family who make me want to live in the present.  Friends and family who make me smile when I am sad or share a hug when I need one.  Friends and family who know me better than I know myself.  So for now, I guess I'll stay right here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tidbit of Trivia Tuesday

While reading Runner's World, I came across this bit of information.  I know you didn't ask, but I thought I would share anyway. 

Did you know that you can be a better runner by improving your arm strength?  Just another reason to get rid of your wiggle!

"When you run, your arms counterbalance the motion of your legs, resulting in saved energy.  The swing of the arms helps propel the body forward so the lower body isn't doing all the work.  And a strong upper body bolsters a runner's form when fatigue sets in."

Saved energy?  I am sure I could use some of that!

Here's some suggestions from Runner's World to strengthen your upper body.
1. Chair dips
2. Push-ups
3. Rows

Guess the next time I am at the Y, I'll be trying out the rowing machine!  However, make sure not to laugh, because it really looks like coordination is needed on that thing.  Coordination is totally something I am not an expert a small giggle might be ok :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

What's on the Menu Monday

Just like every other mom out there, dinner is on my mind.

One, because the first question Dakota asks me after school is, "Mom, what are we having for dinner?"  My usual response is, "What are you making?"

Two, because I have to plan for it.  I have decided one of my goals for 2012 should be to make healthy, easy dinners at home more often...even though McD's sounds tempting!

So, last night, as I was trying to avoid thinking of going back to work today, I started to search the internet for easy dinner recipes.  The first recipe that came up was for grilled cheese.  GRILLED CHEESE!  Really?  Does one really need a recipe for grilled cheese?  I guess everyone starts somewhere, right?

That being said, my search ended so I could go spend time raking leaves with Ron.  I was tempted to stay on the computer, but guilt got the best of me and I went out to help!

Now it's Monday at 4:22 and I ask you...What's for dinner?  Who wants McD's?  2012 hasn't started yet, right?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday: Quote of the Day

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.- Henry Ford you have them?  I do.  Recently I wrote down a list of goals for 2012.  I figured if I started now, maybe I'd have more of a chance to achieve them all!

One of my goals is to write more.  I figure a blog about things I love, things that motivate me, and things all around me would keep me writing.  I also want to take pictures again.  Draw out my inner creativity.  Again, a blog is a great place to keep those photos...memories for tomorrow.

What are your goals?  Keep your eyes on your goals!  Achieve.