Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tidbit of Trivia Tuesday

While reading Runner's World, I came across this bit of information.  I know you didn't ask, but I thought I would share anyway. 

Did you know that you can be a better runner by improving your arm strength?  Just another reason to get rid of your wiggle!

"When you run, your arms counterbalance the motion of your legs, resulting in saved energy.  The swing of the arms helps propel the body forward so the lower body isn't doing all the work.  And a strong upper body bolsters a runner's form when fatigue sets in."

Saved energy?  I am sure I could use some of that!

Here's some suggestions from Runner's World to strengthen your upper body.
1. Chair dips
2. Push-ups
3. Rows

Guess the next time I am at the Y, I'll be trying out the rowing machine!  However, make sure not to laugh, because it really looks like coordination is needed on that thing.  Coordination is totally something I am not an expert of...so a small giggle might be ok :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

What's on the Menu Monday

Just like every other mom out there, dinner is on my mind.

One, because the first question Dakota asks me after school is, "Mom, what are we having for dinner?"  My usual response is, "What are you making?"

Two, because I have to plan for it.  I have decided one of my goals for 2012 should be to make healthy, easy dinners at home more often...even though McD's sounds tempting!

So, last night, as I was trying to avoid thinking of going back to work today, I started to search the internet for easy dinner recipes.  The first recipe that came up was for grilled cheese.  GRILLED CHEESE!  Really?  Does one really need a recipe for grilled cheese?  I guess everyone starts somewhere, right?

That being said, my search ended so I could go spend time raking leaves with Ron.  I was tempted to stay on the computer, but guilt got the best of me and I went out to help!

Now it's Monday at 4:22 and I ask you...What's for dinner?  Who wants McD's?  2012 hasn't started yet, right?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday: Quote of the Day

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.- Henry Ford

Goals...do you have them?  I do.  Recently I wrote down a list of goals for 2012.  I figured if I started now, maybe I'd have more of a chance to achieve them all!

One of my goals is to write more.  I figure a blog about things I love, things that motivate me, and things all around me would keep me writing.  I also want to take pictures again.  Draw out my inner creativity.  Again, a blog is a great place to keep those photos...memories for tomorrow.

What are your goals?  Keep your eyes on your goals!  Achieve.