Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good-bye 2011

Today is it and 2011 will be all but a memory!  Years seem to go by faster and faster lately.  That being said, it is the time to make plans for the upcoming years.  Notice I said YEARS...with an S.  Meaning I want to work on something in the years to come.

I've been seeing lists lately.  100 things to do before you die, 100 must read books, top 10 of this and that.  I was curious about the book lists, so I printed off quite a few of them last night.  I decided to make a list of 100 must read books for myself.  First I pulled titles off of the lists I found last night, from various sources I will add (amazon, Oprah, random sites etc)!  Then, I added some books that are sitting on my bookshelf mocking me and collecting dust!  Of course, to make the challenge a little less daunting, I included books from those lists that I have already read. There are also quite a few books on this list that I started, but I never finished.  Now that I have a purpose, I hopefully will get through them!

Now, before I include my list, I must say that I am not overly excited to read every single one of the books listed.  BUT, I also have to say, I didn't enjoy every one of the books I've read already.  I will admit to the fact that all of the books made me think, sometimes in ways I didn't want to.  Sometimes it's good to do things you don't like or want to do, right?  Makes you grow?  At least that's what I'm going to tell myself!

So, here goes, the list of 100 books to read! (I will highlight the ones I have already had the PLEASURE of reading!)
1.  To Kill A Mockingbird
2.  The Book Thief
3.  DaVinci Code
4.  Jane Eyre
5.  A Child Called It
6.  A Catcher in the Rye
7.  My Sister's Keeper
8.  Twilight Series (I know...but it really was on a list made by others first!)
9.  The Great Gatsby
10. The Lovely Bones
11. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
12.  A Time to Kill
13. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
14. Great Expectations
15. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
16.  A Separate Peace
17. Blubber
18.  Lord of the Flies
19. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
20.  Charlotte's Web
21.  Bridget Jones' Diary
22.  The Notebook
23.  Phantom Tollbooth
24.  11/22/63
25. 1984
26.  Gone with the Wind
27. Power of One
28. The Kite Runner
29. Anne of Green Gables
30.  Catch-22
31.  Eat, Pray, Love
32. Life of Pi
33. Fortunate Life
34. Alice in Wonderland
35. Angela's Ashes
36. One Hundred Years of Solitude
37.  Eragon
38.  Little Women
39.  Animal Farm
40.  A Clockwork Orange
41. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
42.  Lion Called Christian
43.  Marley and Me
44. American Gods
45. The Godfather
46. Interview With the Vampire
47.  Stand
48. American Psycho
49. PS I Love You
50. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
51. The World According to Garp
52. The Movie-Goer
53. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
54. Love in the Time of Cholera
55. Treasure Island
56. The Book of Lists
57. James and the Giant Peach
58. The Shining
59. The Lady in the Lake
60. To the Lighthouse
61.  Beloved
62. Excellent Women
63. And Then There Were None
64. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
65. Diary of Anne Frank
66. A Small Hotel
67. The Sixes
68. Untold Story
69. The Year We Left Home
70. The Borrower
71. Stiltsville
72.  The Tiger's Wife
73. Hunger Games
74. The Leftovers
75. Ten Thousand Saints
76. Rules of Civility
77. Ed King
78. The Marriage Plot
79. Swim Back to Me
80. Tuck Everlasting
81. Silver Sparrow
82. State of Wonder
83. Prince of Tides
84. Night
85. Anna Karenina
86. House of Sand and Fog
87. Where the Heart Is
88. What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day
89. A Virtuous Woman
90. Here on Earth
91. Where the God of Love Hangs Out
92. The Invisible Bridge
93. Little Bee
94. Blame
95. So You're One of Them
96. Number the Stars
97. Bridge to Terabithia
98. Last Night I Sang to the Monster
99.  The Outsiders
100. Fahrenheit 451
101: Mayflower

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