Sunday, February 26, 2012


Due to an injury, I have been unable to run for the past week.  I am out for the next 4 days.  It is literally killing me.  A friend is running Disney.  Yes...Disney!  MY favorite place on Earth and she gets to run it!  JEALOUS!  Another good friend is booked to run in Hawaii!!!  JEALOUS!  I see people running down the street in the awesome, early spring weather we have been having and I want to hit them...just kidding-kind of!  (It's all out of jealousy!)  Really, I am very happy for all of them, but my smile did get bigger when a friend told me her run yesterday gave her boob chaffing.  Mean, I know, but she did tell me to make me feel better.  I wonder if she was lying???

Why is it that I want to run more now then ever before?  Probably because someone has told me not to...mean Doctor!  I know this is one of my faults.  Someone tells me not to do something, and it's exactly what I want to do.  Like in college, my parents lectured me for hours on the reasons not to get a tattoo.   You know what?  I now have three!  I consider them body the canvas for beauty. 

I do have to give my awesome doctor credit-I can cross train.  I have enjoyed spin classes and the ellipitcal (well not so much the ellipitcal, but it's better than nothing!)  I have enjoyed sleeping in this weekend, although it might kill me to get up before 5 am on Thursday for my first run in a week and a half.  But, I'll put my big girl panties on, wipe the sleep out of my eyes, and run with a BIG smile on my face!  (Anyone who wants to witness me smiling at 5 am is more than welcome to join me...just let me know!)

I'll end this post with a warning...if you are running down the street the next 4 days, look behind you.  JUST KIDDING! 

Off to sign up for my next race!  A 10K in April.  Anyone want in?  If not...what DO YOU WANT?

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