Monday, April 2, 2012


If there is one thing I don't like, it's change.  And, making decisions.  Ok, I know...that's two things!  I need to do both very soon.  AND, I don't like it!  Couldn't someone just tell me what I am supposed to do?  Then, at least, I'd know I was doing the right thing...or would I?  Hmmm.  There's another thing I don't like-NOT KNOWING.  I guess I am a control freak who doesn't want to make decisions b/c that would probably end up in some sort of change.  Ok, let's stop this cycle before it gets out of hand!

On April 10th, registration for the Disney Marathon weekend open up.  I have decided I want to run one of the races offered that weekend.  Actually the 5K sounds pretty appetizing!  Really, I am kind of leaning toward trying a full marathon.  Yes, I did just type that, and it will be forever there staring back at me once I push the "publish post" button.  Maybe that's why I put it there, in black and white, forever-to hold me accountable to my choice.  I mean, if no one knew, then how easy would it be to just deny ever having said it???

So, thing is, I have to make a decision if, for nothing else, my own sanity.  I have 8 days to make lists, not sleep, go back and forth between my options, and listen to advice from others.  BUT, when it comes down to it, I have to decide for me.  What will it be?  Long runs longer than I fear my body is capable of?  Looking at food as fuel rather than just something that tastes good?  Ice and tired muscles???  Waking up earlier than I do now to get "short" 8 mile runs in during the week?  Or, do I just sign up for the half-I know I can do that.  Am I ready for a new, exciting challenge with Disney characters and princess castles cheering me on?  At this very moment, right now, I think I am.  But, in 8 days when I log on to RUN Disney, what will I decide then?

I guess only time will tell.  Or, maybe, my fairy Godmother will come wave some fairy dust over me and tell me what I should do.  3,2,1...countdown.

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