Thursday, June 21, 2012

Checking in!

Today three of us completed our 5K virtual race!  It a was hot and humid way to start the day, but as always, I feel good now that it's done.  Virtual 10K is on Saturday.

Sit are you coming?  I have successfully completed 3 days of 100 sit ups.  Haven't done them yet today, but they are coming!  Burpees are coming along too.  Day 4 is today, so I have 4 burpees awaiting me.  Still cannot wrap my head around doing 100 in one day!

Signed up for a new challenge today.  Spartan Sprint.  It's a trail run with loads of military obstacles built in.  I'm excited, but I know a lot of arm strength training is ahead of me.  Oh, and I guess some practice hilly, trail runs.  And...maybe some mud?  Hmmm-what was I thinking?

It's Thursday...what have you done for yourself today?

Pam, Stacey, and I before our Virtual 5K today.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Summer means more skin shows, right?  Even though I have lost weight and continue to exercise, I really don't feel totally comfortable in my skin.  I concentrate on the negatives far too much.  I'm trying to stay positive and like what I see in the mirror, but it is easier said than done, for sure.

So, I've decided to take on a challenge to improve both my body and my mind, stay positive in the process, and enjoy the journey. 

Here's the challenge (or should I say challenges?) Both of which came from other awesome blogs!
1.  100 sit ups a day for 100 days.  Hmm...that's a long journey, but I'm in for the ride.  At least I'm sitting?  Ha!
2.  Burpees...yep, I HATE them (almost as much as push ups!).  Another 100 day challenge, but a little different.  Day one-1 burpee, day two-2 burpees, and you guessed it, day 100, 100 burpees.  It may take me all day to get to 100!

I think through these two challenges I can focus on strength, growth (both mentally and physically), and I WILL like the changes I see.

So, now, who's in with me?  I do much better when I have friends along for the ride. No pressure of course!  At the end, I promise to post inches lost.  (See, already I am positive!  I KNOW the numbers will go DOWN!)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Looking for some fun???

Summer months=hot weather=less races.  BUT, are you interested in trying one for fun?  No pressure?  Run where you want to???  And, best part?  You can win prizes for doing something you already love (or like) to do.  Click on the link below to find out more!

If you are in the Charlotte area, let's get a group together and run for fun.  Running is more fun with friends!  Let me know if you'd like to run with me!!!  No pressure...just loads of sweat!