Friday, January 20, 2012


To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.  ~Henri Bergson
I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about change.  I used to hate it.  I would panic and worry at any major change in my life.  I liked stability, predictability, sameness.  I felt confident in that where I knew what to expect.

As I get older, and yes, I am doing that,  (funny...change, right?) I am getting a little more comfortable with change. (I did say a LITTLE)  I get bored with the same ole routine day after day.  I notice with exercise I get unmotivated if every week is like the week before.  I also know my body reacts better with change in the routine.  I used to stick to one genre in literature, so I joined a book club to be forced to read outside my little box.  Yes, there have been times I have been stubborn and refused to try to read a book!  (Who me?  Stubborn?  Sorry, I'm a Taurus...comes with the label!)  When I was creating the list of books I want to read, I placed many titles on my list that I am pretty sure will be hard for me to read.  BUT, it's good for me, right?  At restaurants, I have been really trying to order different items off the menu.  Surprisingly, I have found many new favorites at our usual restaurants.  Who would have thought there were better things out there than bacon cheeseburgers?

I also notice that I look for ways to change me.  How can I be a better person?  How can I motivate others to feel good?  How can I give back?  Those can be some scary questions to ask yourself.  If you ask them, and really want to know the answer, you have to be ready to change.

I do have answers to my questions, but I'm keeping those to myself.  I'm not ready to give out all my inner thoughts!  Just be on the look out and see if you see any changes in me :)

So, now it is your turn.  Take a peek inside YOU and what do you see?  Do you like what you see?  If not, what can YOU change? 

Change always comes bearing gifts.  ~Price Pritchett

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