Friday, January 20, 2012


To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.  ~Henri Bergson
I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about change.  I used to hate it.  I would panic and worry at any major change in my life.  I liked stability, predictability, sameness.  I felt confident in that where I knew what to expect.

As I get older, and yes, I am doing that,  (funny...change, right?) I am getting a little more comfortable with change. (I did say a LITTLE)  I get bored with the same ole routine day after day.  I notice with exercise I get unmotivated if every week is like the week before.  I also know my body reacts better with change in the routine.  I used to stick to one genre in literature, so I joined a book club to be forced to read outside my little box.  Yes, there have been times I have been stubborn and refused to try to read a book!  (Who me?  Stubborn?  Sorry, I'm a Taurus...comes with the label!)  When I was creating the list of books I want to read, I placed many titles on my list that I am pretty sure will be hard for me to read.  BUT, it's good for me, right?  At restaurants, I have been really trying to order different items off the menu.  Surprisingly, I have found many new favorites at our usual restaurants.  Who would have thought there were better things out there than bacon cheeseburgers?

I also notice that I look for ways to change me.  How can I be a better person?  How can I motivate others to feel good?  How can I give back?  Those can be some scary questions to ask yourself.  If you ask them, and really want to know the answer, you have to be ready to change.

I do have answers to my questions, but I'm keeping those to myself.  I'm not ready to give out all my inner thoughts!  Just be on the look out and see if you see any changes in me :)

So, now it is your turn.  Take a peek inside YOU and what do you see?  Do you like what you see?  If not, what can YOU change? 

Change always comes bearing gifts.  ~Price Pritchett

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I started this blog to get myself writing again.  Then, I decided it would be good to inspire others to make goals, become a better person, or just feel good.  I wanted to keep this a positive, feel good place.  What I learned this week is that through this blog, other people have inspired me!

Since my last post, I received several emails and messages saying nice, sweet, and inspiring things to ME!  Specific words of inspiration that were dedicated to ME...not basic, generalizations that could go out to anyone listening.  In high school, we learned these types of actions were called warm fuzzies, which, I think, is a very worthy title for things that make you feel GOOD!

Too many times all you hear are the downers, the whiners, and the negativity.  Work can turn into a place where you feel you can't do anything right.  Family pulls you in so many directions.  Sometimes we forget to tell the ones we love the most that we simply do love them.  It can pull you down very easily.  So, I'm keeping this post short and to the point. (kind of!)

I want to inspire you to give at least one warm fuzzy to someone this week.  Reach out, make a positive statement, and most importantly...MEAN IT!  Don't do it just to say you did it.  Find someone in need and make their day with one positive comment. 

Make it specific.  Make it meaningful.  Make someone smile.

You know what?  The person with the biggest smile might be YOU!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


"All it takes is 20 seconds of insane courage and great things will happen.  I promise." Benjamin Mee in We Bought a Zoo

Courage: the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc.

I love this quote!  It's so true.  20 seconds is all it takes to decide to do something new, something awesome, something for you.

2011 brought many new things out in me.  Looking back on the year I am proud of my accomplishments, the friendships that grew, the new things I tried.  I started speaking up for myself.  I'm not accepting apologies that are just words with no actions to support it.  I've realized who my true friends are, who my support team is, how important family is.  I've accepted me for who I am.  So, what next?  What will I chose to do?  What do I need courage to do this year?

I can think of two things.  One, I'd like to begin working on my Doctorate.  I really, I mean REALLY want to teach at the college level.  This is my dream.  I've wanted to do this for a few years, but I am nervous.  I don't like to do new things by myself.  I rely on others to lean on.  BUT, I cannot seem to talk anyone into jumping into the venture on my own.  (So, are YOU interested in joining me???) Plus, I am not sure what I want to concentrate on.  Plus, all that I ready to devote all that time to studying, research, and writing?  PLUS, do I have the courage to do it?  Will I be good at teaching that level of education?  Where will I find a job?  STOP.  Courage, right?

The other thing is running a full marathon.  I have been playing around with this idea for a bit, but I honestly don't know if my body is capable of such a task.  Plus, the training.  Do I have the time?  Plus, again...who will do it with me???  (Again, I need the support.  Can NOT imagine running 20+ miles all by myself.)  Do I have the courage to try?  So what if I end up walking part of it, right?  Like NIKE says, "Just do it."

I know there are several other things I will need courage to accomplish this year.  As they come up, I am sure I will write about them.  IF I decide to use that 20 seconds of courage to go back to school or sign up for a marathon, you will know.  I will need YOU, your support, your push!

Let 2012 be the year that you decide to act on that courage and do something!  What will it be for you?