CONSIDER: to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on
Inspiration is everywhere. Yesterday we were driving down the highway, and the car's license plate next to us said CONSIDER. What a cool word to post on your much better than the random letters/numbers we have on ours!
CONSIDER...What does that bring to mind for you?
For me it can go many ways. The first thing I thought of was exercise. Consider something new this next year. What do I want to do that I have not done before? Let's see...I would CONSIDER a full marathon. I have done two halves and signed up for two more already in 2012. Why not just double that? I'm NOT to the point of signing up for one, but considering it-yes. Another opportunity: A duathalon. I have taken part in a triathalon as a member of a three person relay team. Why not try one on my own? And, it's for a great cause to boot! Third, I'd like to consider putting some trail runs into my training routine. If only I can guarantee an injury won't result! I am not the most graceful swan in the pond!
Another way my brain took me when I saw CONSIDER was to reach out and try new hobbies or just to spend more time growing in the ones I already enjoy. Consider spending a day each month with my camera in tow, taking pictures of things that inspire me. Consider signing up for a painting class. Consider reading a book that I wouldn't normally choose. Consider getting back to trying to write my book...
One final thought. Consider what I can do to be a better person. A happier person. A thoughtless person. Could be I need to volunteer somewhere each month with D...give back to the community I am blessed to be a part of. Or, go back to school and study something I've been interested in tackling for years-Art Therapy. Spend more time at home with family where we can really enjoy each other's company. Try a new recipe once a week. Go to church more often. I could really go on and on here!
So, let me leave you with this thought. As 2012 begins, what things will you CONSIDER? Write them down to remind you of your hopes and dreams. Then, take a step to doing one thing on your list!
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